Sizing, positioning and ducting an ERV to bathroom vents, not only circumvents traditional fans, but introduces clean outdoor air strategically balanced to the exhaust-CFMs.
A common bathroom exhaust ducting mistake is reducing the 6-inch ERV take offs to the 4-inch duct that’s commonly used in bathroom fans. Reducing would cut the potential CFMs approximately 20 percent or more.
When a school sends a job out for bid, the big commercial contractors come out of the woodwork. And when it’s the biggest school in the state, that number gets inflated.
Bowling is a game that provides instant feedback. Testing the airside of an HVAC system has some interesting similarities. Let’s look a little deeper at some lessons bowling can teach us about airside testing.
The Ductless Directory is shifting its marketing strategy from one that is product-centric to one that makes the ductless contractor the star of the show. This change marks a new era that will help qualified contractors get the visibility and recognition they deserve.
Some comfort and indoor air quality issues we encounter bleed over from areas that we might be unfamiliar with. The most common are the influences of building construction, like leakage and insulation.