The patented Automatic Discharge Temperature valve, or ADT valve, is designed to control discharge temperatures in low-temperature refrigeration systems.
The Model 446580 humidity/temperature datalogger measures from 10% to 95% rh with 3% accuracy via a capacitance sensor; temperature measurements, via a semiconductor sensor, range from -4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C).
Designed to address the requirements of moisture analysis in HFCs and other refrigerant gases, the IceMan is a portable and self-contained unit that provides fast, accurate moisture measurement right at the sample point.
The Greenheck booth displays a selection of the company’s range of ventilation products which include fans and ventilators, centrifugal and vane axial fans, dampers, louvers, kitchen ventilation systems, energy recovery ventilators, and makeup air units.
Through an alliance with controls manufacturer Saftronics, A.O. Smith Electrical Products Company is now offering motor-drive packages to provide more precise control and increased
energy efficiency for hvacr applications.