NASRC’s R-TRADE initiative leverages industry-wide coordination and collaboration to provide a lasting solution to the refrigeration technician shortage.
The summer after Wallberg graduated high school, while tending to his normal job duties at an ice company like bagging ice and delivering it to grocery/liquor stores, he also started fixing some of the bagging equipment so he could continue to do his job. The rest is history.
Only 10 professionals and 10 apprentices made it to round three and received an all-expenses paid trip to West Palm Beach, Florida, where they competed head-to-head for $100,000 in cash and prizes and the title. And Craig Childress came out the champ.
Cameron Lowe was on a routine system checkup when his customer, David Killian, was stricken. "I was just gone. My heart had stopped," Killian recalled. A dispatcher talked Lowe through cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and together they kept Killian alive.
With early exposure to the trades, a young girl found inspiration from the women she saw working in the industry, and now she wants to encourage more women to get into the business.