The organization recently completed its latest Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) in which 148 member companies participated. The top 10 companies with the most satisfied customers were:
The Customer Satisfaction Survey was performed by an independent market research firm to identify factors that influence how customers perceive household service and repair firms. Factors were narrowed to workmanship, promptness/dependability, customer relations, price, and overall satisfaction.
Nexstar member firms across the United States and Canada participated in the survey. Each company submitted a random sampling of 200 customers who were contacted by the market research firm and asked to rate their service firm. Over 5,800 customers responded to the survey.
"Customer service is paramount to staying in business," says Greg Niemi, president of Nexstar. "Our philosophy is to serve a customer for a lifetime rather than a one-time experience. That means good customer satisfaction is key to keeping each customer coming back. We know the winners of our Customer Satisfaction Survey have this practice down pat."
Nexstar provides its residential service contractor members in the electrical, HVAC, and plumbing trades with best business practices in customer service, management, operations, marketing, and finance. For more information, visit
Publication date: 03/21/2005