ARLINGTON, Va. - The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) has launched a new online publication devoted to news and information regarding mold and other indoor air quality (IAQ) issues.

According to ACCA, the online Mold & IAQ Monitor features summaries of news items culled from sources all over the world, as well as regularly-updated features and articles designed to help contractors understand IAQ opportunities and challenges. The Monitor will also follow legislative and regulatory activity around the states.

"As the Monitor grows, we'll showcase contractors, offer important legal information, and provide a regular forum for contractors to learn more about IAQ in the field," said Kevin W. Holland, vice president for Communications, Membership & Corporate Development.

Access to the Mold & IAQ Monitor is included in ACCA membership, and the publication can be found at in the "News & Publications" section.

The Monitor is sponsored by Environmental Dynamics Group (EDG), a manufacturer of electronic air cleaners and other IAQ products. According to Rob Goodfellow, EDG's director of Sales & Marketing, "We feel very strongly that resources like the Mold & IAQ Monitor will become increasingly important to HVACR contractors. Understanding the principals of IAQ should be as important to HVACR contractors as understanding the principals of electricity or plumbing. But because IAQ is still a relatively new field, many contractors don't know where to go to find the information necessary to make informed decisions about buying and selling IAQ products."

Goodfellow continued, "EDG considers ACCA to be made up of the best contractors around the country who are proactive and who similarly endeavor to stay abreast of developing technologies and trends. We look forward to sponsoring the Monitor and participating in ACCA."

Publication date: 11/01/2004