PALO ALTO, Calif. - Frost & Sullivan has selected TAC, a Schneider Electric company, North Andover, Mass., for its 2006 Excellence in Technology Award in the field of integrated building systems.

According to Frost & Sullivan, TAC receives this award for understanding the pulse of the building automation industry and exercising its years of expertise to develop systems such as Andover Continuum™ and TAC Vista™. These systems are based on the two major building automation protocol standards, BACnet® and LonWorks®, and make the company a complete solution provider. TAC's solutions are scalable, flexible, expandable, and most importantly "open."

"Backed by a technology outlook toward seamless integration using the latest standard protocols in the building automation world, TAC's solutions provide an edge over other contemporary technologies," stated Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Ankit Shukla. "What drives this approach is the concept that integration technologies need to be intelligent enough to 'understand' current solutions, have the ability to embrace future technologies, and yet continue to provide all the solutions that are expected from an enterprise level solution such as Andover Continuum and TAC Vista."

Technologies embedded in solutions such as Andover Continuum and TAC Vista aim to harness the "individual brilliances" at different levels in the system architecture to provide smart integrated systems management.

"In summary, Frost & Sullivan's Award for Excellence in Technology acknowledges TAC's efforts in developing cutting-edge technology solutions, Andover Continuum and TAC Vista, which are cost-effective, efficient, smart, and give users full control of their facilities," said Shukla. "TAC has developed its technology diligently, understanding end-user requirements, and it is the effort of companies such as TAC that drives the intelligent building concept on a journey of mass acceptance: an effort that was missing till now."

Each year Frost & Sullivan presents this award to a company that has pioneered the development and introduction of an innovative technology into the market; a technology that has either impacted or has the potential to impact several market sectors. The award recognizes a company's successful technology development that is expected to bring significant contributions to the industry in terms of adoption, change, and competitive posture. In addition, it also recognizes the company's overall technical excellence and its commitment toward technology innovation.

Publication date: 08/21/2006