Supermarkets are working to reduce ozone-depleting hydrofluorocarbon (HCFC) emissions to remain in compliance with regulations and to reduce their environmental footprint by moving to more sustainable hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants. The Website is designed to assist supermarkets and refrigeration contractors in staying current with regulations as they evolve, and help them in choosing alternative refrigerants that are most appropriate for their refrigeration systems.
"Our discussions with supermarkets and refrigeration contractors revealed frustration with having to go so many places to get the critical information they need to plan for the transition away from HCFCs," said Kevin O'Shea, North American marketing manager, DuPont Refrigerants. "With this Website, we provide one-stop information shopping to help the industry move to non-ozone depleting refrigerants quickly and cost-effectively."
Customized sections of the Website are dedicated to regulatory updates, choosing alternative refrigerants, general products and services, and featured case histories from the supermarket industry. Users will also find quick links to U.S. EPA and Canadian regulatory information and requirements, compliance guidelines, refrigerant leak and full charge calculations, trigger rates, checklists, and timelines information and activities for the supermarket industry.
In January 2006, DuPont Refrigerants announced the North American launch of a new family of mineral oil compatible and non-ozone depleting retrofit refrigerants called DuPont™ ISCEON® 9 Series refrigerants. Because they were developed to help supermarkets avoid costly equipment replacement, they have attracted significant interest within the market since the launch.
For more information on DuPont and its products, visit
Publication date: 09/25/2006