Greenwood Technologies LLC: Wood-Fired Hydronic Furnace
The clean-burning, wood-fired hydronic furnaces capture 85 percent of energy released by wood without creating smoke or ash (creosote). Temperatures in the ceramic firebox reach nearly 2,000°F, ensuring almost total combustion of the wood fuel. Certified for indoor use, the units can be used in both residential and commercial applications. Its self-contained design allows it to fit in a garage or small shed. Three models are available: Greenwood 100, Greenwood 200, and Greenwood 300. Depending on the model, the furnace output reaches up to 300,000 Btu. The furnaces require a draft of 0.05 to 0.07 inches water column to operate efficiently and a 6- to 8-inch flue pipe. The units provide heat on demand, eliminating the need for a hot-water tank.
Greenwood Technologies LLC, 11661 SE 1st Street, Ste. 200, Bellevue, WA 98005; 206-203-6282 or 800-959-9184; 206-666-5494 (fax);
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