ESG will retrofit the college's heating, ventilating, and lighting systems for all campus buildings, while adding new air conditioning systems, temperature control systems, and windows at Clare Hall and Marian Hall. These retrofits are designed to increase comfort and help modernize the campus while improving the college's learning environment. ESG is also providing an energy savings guarantee to Marian College that ensures the college's utility expenses will not increase over the next five years.
"We must revitalize our campus facilities to deliver on our commitment to excellent teaching and learning," said Daniel J. Elsener, president of Marian College. "While replacing boilers and windows are not glamorous improvement projects, this contract represents the first step in a major, multi-year facilities renovation at Marian that will provide students and faculty with world-class educational facilities."
"The Quality-Based Selection (QBS) process that Marian used to select ESG is proof that our qualifications, previous performance, and customer commitment are at levels expected by quality process-driven organizations," said Jim Adams, president of ESG. "We are delighted to be a member of the Marian College team. Our energy master plan program will help Marian College step into the future while also relieving financial concerns that building owners frequently encounter when faced with such critical upgrades."
Energy Systems Group, owned by Vectren Corp. of Evansville, Ind., provides energy services for schools, colleges, hospitals, governmental units, and commercial/industrial building owners. ESG has branch offices in Evansville, Indianapolis, Chicago, and Johnson City, Tenn. For additional information, visit
Publication date: 06/09/2003