Efficiency Technologies Inc. (Eff-Tec) has developed a Web-based energy management service for centrifugal chillers. The Department of Energy (DOE) has estimated that chillers can waste up to 30 percent of their cooling energy through inefficiency. According to Eff-Tec, its Web-based service provides a diagnostic tool that provides the capability to evaluate, monitor, and manage centrifugal chiller performance. Through this monitoring and management, users can save tens of thousands of dollars per year in energy and maintenance costs, says the company.
The online software tool is said to simplify how chiller plants are operated and monitored, and to allow operators, managers, and asset professionals to communicate in a common language to keep chillers producing at maximum levels at the lowest possible cost.
For additional information about Eff-Tec, visit its Web site at www.efftec.com. American Resource Management is an energy resource and solutions holding company based in Tulsa, Okla.
Publication date: 12/01/2003