In their letter, Dirk Van Dongen, NAW’s president, and Jade West, senior vice president-government relations, wrote that, “We are increasingly convinced, and our members continue to tell us, that the fundamentals for a real economic recovery are not now in place, and that without enactment of a bold and aggressive growth plan, the economy will continue to sputter.”
According to Van Dongen, “The weak economic forecasts we are hearing from our members today demand action from our elected leaders, and the House vote was a significant step in the right direction. We applaud them for passing this budget, this quickly, to allow final action on the tax plan early enough in the year that the economy can benefit in the near term.”
NAW’s letter urged supporters of the growth plan “to co-sponsor H.R. 2, The Jobs and Growth Tax Act of 2003, and to work for its quick enactment.”
In addition to thanking the tax plan’s supporters, West stated, “Now that the House has approved the budget resolution, we hope that they can put partisan differences aside and work together to do the right thing for the economy and the country, and quickly pass a growth bill that will make a difference.”
Publication date: 03/24/2003