Instructor Encourages Professionalism

Soukup earned honorable mention status in the Best Instructor competition sponsored by The NEWS and the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI).

Since becoming department chairman of the Community College HVACR program he has sought and received more than $250,000 in Perkins Federal Grants and $60,000 in technology funding for the rebuilding of the HVAC laboratories and new instrumentation and trainer modules at the college.
Erick Sheldon, a former student who nominated Soukup for the award, said, "He is a frequent guest speaker at area middle schools, high schools, and trade organizations to educate the public about the community college's air conditioning technology program, emphasizing the value of education in furthering one's career opportunities and improving the community as a whole."
Sheldon also said that Soukup encourages professionalism in the industry. "He applies his broad professional and social influence to assist students in job placement during their education as well as upon graduation."
Certainly, the kind of instructor that the HVAC industry is proud to showcase as one of the best instructors in the country.
Publication date: 11/13/2006