WASHINGTON - The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the International Code Council (ICC) announced that the members to the Consensus Committee on the National Green Building Standard have been appointed by the NAHB Research Center Executive Standards Committee. This Consensus Committee represents the home building industry in its efforts to develop and publish an American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-approved standard on residential green building.
The Consensus Committee is made up of more than 40 groups representing a broad spectrum of the home building industry. Its purpose is to review the working draft of the national standard based on NAHB's Model Green Home Building Guidelines and to develop an ICC/NAHB National Green Building Standard. Unlike the Guidelines, which are intended to be used in the construction of one- and two-family homes, the new standard will be applicable to all new home construction, including multifamily units.
"The creation of the National Green Building Standard is a huge step forward for the industry," said Ray Tonjes, chairman of the NAHB Green Building Subcommittee. "We are proud to work with ICC to produce a voluntary national standard that will take into account regional differences and allow for flexibility, while increasing the efficiency and quality of homes in America."
Both organizations have been actively involved in efforts to advance green building practices within the industry. In response to its members' requests for clearer guidance on green building practices, NAHB developed the Model Green Home Building Guidelines in 2005. ICC has been promoting green building practices through its family of International Codes, which set minimum standards for energy efficiency for the construction industry.
"ICC member participation on the National Green Building Standard committee will ensure that green homes of the future are also safe homes," said Code Council Board President Wally Bailey. "ICC is committed to green building and participating in activities that will assure green building practices are sustainable and safe."
"The collaboration between our two organizations demonstrates our strong commitment to sustainable building practices and the creation of a national standard for green building," said Eric Borsting, chairman of the NAHB Construction Codes and Standards Committee. "We look forward to the publication of a strong ANSI standard that represents the needs of the industry and the growth of green building initiatives."
The NAHB Research Center, which oversaw the development of NAHB's Guidelines and is an ANSI-accredited standards developer, will serve as the secretariat for the new standard.
"The Code Council's support for green building, especially teaming with NAHB to develop a standard for green homes, demonstrates our corporate commitment to respect the environment," said ICC CEO Rick Weiland. "Green technology plays an important role in our collective future, not just in the United States but around the world."
The full list of members of the Consensus Committee can be found at www.nahbrc.org/gbstandard.
Publication date:04/23/2007