DAVENPORT, Iowa - In a world filled with conflict and turmoil, it can be difficult for businesspeople to decide which causes they should support, according to Benjamin Mangan, president and founder of MANCOMM.com, a national safety publishing company based in Davenport, Iowa. Mangan believes that children should always be a top priority, and encourages every American business to lend support to at least one children’s charity each year.
“Businesses need to take a leadership role to improve the lives of young people,” Mangan said. “Supporting at least one children’s charity every year provides a simple but effective game plan for bettering the community.”
Believing it is always best to lead by example, MANCOMM.com is the title sponsor of this year’s Iowa Quad-Cities Rotary Great Balls of Fire Volleyball Tournament, Saturday, May 19, 2007, at the Hawkeye Tap, Davenport. MANCOMM.com was also the title sponsor for the Rotary’s 2006 tournament, and thanks to last year’s event, the Child Abuse Council is receiving funds, along with the Katz House home for veterans and Humility of Mary Housing Inc.
Publication date:05/14/2007