The TH800 temperature and humidity chart recorders are ideal for troubleshooting retail operations’ hot spots and other problematic variations in temperature and humidity conditions, according to the manufacturer. It has a user-selectable temperature range of 32° to 120°F (0° to 50°C) and records dew points in the same temperature range. The digital humidity sensor has an accuracy of ±2 percent from 0 to 60 percent and ±3 percent from 60 to 95 percent. Users can select between 24-hour and seven-day recording times. Running on four AA batteries, the chart recorders can be easily moved around for short-term monitoring and testing. The charts are 8 inches in size.
Dickson Co., 930 S. Westwood Ave., Addison, IL 60101-4917; 800-757-3747 or 630-543-3747; 800-676-0498 or 630-543-0498 (fax);;
eProduct 185