ELK GROVE VILLAGE, Ill. - Lime Energy announced that it has been selected by PacifiCorp's Rocky Mountain Power as a participant in the utility's HVAC Energy Efficiency Alliance in Utah.
"We look forward to working with Lime Energy in this program to increase energy efficiency for its Utah customers," said Jeff Bumgarner, director of demand-side management programs for Rocky Mountain Power.
Parke Industries, a Lime Energy operating company, is also a participant in the utility's Lighting Energy Efficiency Alliance in Utah.
"We are delighted and honored to participate in Rocky Mountain Power's energy efficiency incentive program," said Dan Parke, president and chief operating officer of Lime Energy. "The Energy Efficiency Alliance and incentive programs in Utah are among the most forward looking in the country. Through this alliance we are confident we will be able to increase electric efficiency for our client customers which will result in significant energy savings for the customer and reduced demand on the region's energy resources."
Parke said Lime Energy also has completed cross training of its energy efficiency lighting sales people with eMAC, the HVAC energy efficiency equipment available through its Maximum Performance Group (MPG) operating company. He added that Lime Energy considers participation in Rocky Mountain Power's program a big step in getting the word out about this product.
"Most of our customers currently enjoying energy savings from the eMAC technology are located in the Northeast where MPG began its operations in New York," Parke said. "Now that we've opened an MPG office in San Diego, we're working with large customers on the West Coast."
He said the inclusion of Lime Energy in this Alliance with its comprehensive bundle of energy savings solutions is expected to enhance the company's growth in this market.
The eMAC (equipment monitor and control) technology has been used in a variety of industry applications from banks to electronics retailers to pet store chains. It enables companies to benefit from energy efficiency incentives using the customer's existing HVAC system.
For more information, visit www.lime-energy.com.
Publication date:01/29/2007