Mechanical Contractors Association of America: Safety Training Video
A DVD titled “Twenty Top Hazards: Recognition & Protection” provides worker training in the identification of 20 of the most common injury-causing hazards in mechanical construction, and how workers should protect themselves from these hazards while performing their jobs. In approximately 14 minutes, the DVD addresses the top industry safety hazards, which include materials handling, exposed body parts, struck-by hazards, eye hazards, sharp objects, slips and trips, exposed floor holes, ladders, aerial lifts, perimeter protection, and falls. In addition, other topics addressed in the video are tool guards, damaged rigging, electrical hazards, power cords, welding leads, welding arcs, excavations, hazardous materials, and confined spaces.
Mechanical Contractors Association of America, 1385 Piccard Dr., Rockville, MD 20850-4340; 301-990-2200;
eProduct 184