TROY, Mich. - With the Sept. 24 issue,The NEWS’is introducing its completely redesigned and revamped Website at The site has been designed to be cleaner and easier to navigate, feature more content on the home page, and provide more interactivity.
Key new elements of the site include:
•Rotating Feature Box:The NEWS’top stories of the week will rotate in this box with a large photo and brief synopsis to give readers a quick glimpse of that issue’s major stories. Click on the box to get the full story.
•Videos:The NEWS’recently introduced videos on our site. In addition to a new video being added and featured each week on our home page, the video pane allows readers to quickly access all archived videos. Recent popular videos include the Mold House, a discussion on new refrigerants, and Ron Collier talking about performance-based pay.
•Rotating Product Gallery:This gallery allows Website visitors to quickly scroll though 14 different HVACR product categories. Click on the category and a selection of products will come up. Click on an individual product and the reader gets a photo of the product, a brief description, and a link to the manufacturer’s Website to get more information.
•Blogs:The addition of blogs is brand new to the site. Those who will be blogging on a regular basis are Publisher John Conrad, Editor-in-Chief Mike Murphy, Business Editor John Hall, and Managing Editor Kyle Gargaro. And Senior Editor Mark Skaer will soon add his thoughts to the mix.
Other new elements added to the home page include a list of the most e-mailed articles, the top searches, and the most popular articles.
Ongoing important features for readers include:
•Extensive Editorial Archives:The site currently offers more than 22,000 archived articles. Click on Archived Editorial in the left column and you can review each issue going back to 1999.
If you don’t know which issue an article appears in or you need to search on a particular keyword or term, use the search box at the top of each page.
•Extra Edition:Additional Web-exclusive articles are provided for our subscribers in three categories: Business Management, Service & Maintenance, and Technical. Updated every couple of weeks, Extra Edition provides additional content in the three areas that readers selected as most important.
Publication date:09/24/2007