CHANTILLY, Va. - The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA) has announced that the second edition of IAQ Guidelines for Occupied Buildings Under Construction is available for public review. IAQ Guidelines provides project management guidance in maintaining satisfactory indoor air quality of occupied buildings undergoing major renovation or construction.


The publication provides direction in managing the source of air pollutants and suggests control measures, quality control and documentation, and communication methods with occupants. It includes example projects, tables, references, resources, and checklists.


IAQ Guidelines is referenced by the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Green Building Rating System for Existing Buildings and New Construction.


SMACNA recommends the guide to architects, engineers, construction managers, facility managers, and building owners who will be involved in construction activities inside occupied buildings or new construction projects that are being occupied prior to the completion of construction.


The document is available for public review until the end of January at


Reviewer’s comments should reference page, figure and table numbers, as well as specific paragraphs when dealing with text. All comments should include specific recommendations for improvement.


Send all comments to Peyton Collie, project manager, at SMACNA, 4201 Lafayette Center Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151-1209, fax 703-803-3732, or e-mail


Publication date: 12/25/2006