The Bell & Gossett brand Glycol Solution/Water Make-up Unit (GMU) is designed for a variety of applications, including closed-loop heating and chilled-water, process, snowmelt, and radiant heat systems. The make-up unit also can be used as a break tank for potable water systems. The new GMU30 and GMU60 models feature nonmetallic conduit in place of metallic conduit, and PVC piping and valves instead of steel fittings. The GMU30 has a cut in of 3-10 psi and a cut out of 9-30 psi. The GMU60 has a cut in of 10-45 psi, and a cut out of 20-60 psi. Both have a 55-gallon capacity, observable fluid level, scale, and an industrial-grade polyethylene tank. Features include remote alarm contact, a 2-inch opening on top for ventilation and fill, pressure control and necessary interconnecting piping, and calibrated balance.

ITT, 8200 N. Austin Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053; 847-966-3700; 847-966-9052 (fax);

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