HOUSTON - The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) introduced its FM-3D event which will provide the facility management community with the chance to participate in the Best Practices Forum, Management Summit, and the Leaders’ Conference - three interactive, high-level educational and networking events - all within one conference.
“Combining these great educational opportunities into one event provides an efficient avenue for professionals to learn about each other’s best practices and strategies in the industry,” said David Brady, IFMA president and CEO.
FM-3D, taking place Feb. 27-29, 2008, offers three days of education, leadership training, facility tours, and professional networking opportunities. Through multi-faceted activities, the conference will provide an opportunity to focus on strategic leadership and strategic facility planning at the same time.
The first day will feature the Best Practices Forum, a discussion in which selected participants will provide presentations that explore a variety of facility management practices and their effect on other organizations. “The forum allows us to learn from cutting-edge facility managers who are always pushing the envelope,” said Timothy O’Malley, president of The O’Malley Group and past attendee of the forum. “The focus is on demonstrating superior performance in the workplace. Whether we learn about custodial developments, HVAC projects, construction, energy conservation or personnel, the experience is certainly well worth it.”
On day two of FM-3D, participants will attend IFMA’s Management Summit. Comprised of different breakout sessions, the summit gives professionals the opportunity to gain insight into strategic thought processes; discuss strategic issues, planning, and leadership; and focus on implementation.
FM-3D’s third day, IFMA Leaders’ Conference, brings the focus to leadership strategy. The primary theme will revolve around strategic volunteer leadership. It will cover different models of chapter and council leadership, examples of operational excellence and membership growth strategies. The event will be interactive, stressing the importance of building stronger leadership teams and identifying and developing new leaders.
For more information, visit www.ifma.org.
Publication date:09/17/2007