LEXINGTON, Mass. - Wrightsoft Corp. has announced the initial fall and winter schedule for the Right-University™ training program, including nationally held public and private classes. Additional classes will be added regularly. Right-University is a full training program offered by Wrightsoft and includes training classes, workshops, Webinars, and the online On-Demand Training videos. The classes are typically one or two-day classes focused on using the Right-Suite™ Universal program for residential, commercial or in-home sales applications.
“We feel it is important to provide a variety of locations and topics for our customers to find a class that best meets their needs,” said Chris Edgren, vice president of sales and marketing, Wrightsoft Corp. “While not every Wrightsoft customer chooses to attend Right-University HVAC software classes - using other training options or teaching themselves instead - the one-on-one interaction with the instructor helps the customer become a more efficient user and start impacting their business faster.”
Training classes are held throughout the country, can be open to the public or private, and are taught by one of the two full-time Wrightsoft trainers.
For more information, visit www.wrightsoft.com.
Publication date:11/19/2007