Who needs carbon monoxide alarms? I guess contractors should be selling their customers cats instead. I based that opinion on this story (http://www.gazetteonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071115/NEWS/711150032/1006/news) from The Cedar Rapids Gazette in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
According to the article, Jeanie Probst (does her dad host Survivor?) and Chris Ward were tipped off that their furnace was pumping out poisonous gas because their cat Oreo “would run in circles under the vent or jump onto the back of a chair, stare at the register, and start making a real loud meowing noise when the furnace turned on at the apartment.” According to Jeanie, “It was one of those scary screams.”
In my opinion, the best part of the story is that the couple was not worried that they’d been “getting headaches and losing energy” while at the apartment. Nope, they really did not become concerned until the cat started acting up.
There is a fine line between being the lady with cats and being the Cat Lady. Miss Probst, I believe you are the Cat Lady.
So there you go contractors, go pick up some cats at the Humane Society and try to upsell your next client.