Z-Flex: Venting System Adapter
The flex-ready Insul-Wye™ adapter allows for easy installation of Insulvent™ flexible venting systems with Category I gas-fired appliances. This component universally adapts to any manufacturers’ B-vent with branch connections. The Insulvent is a double-wall flexible insulated component designed to make insulated connections between appliance and common vent (i.e., B-vent, masonry chimney, or the manufacturer’s chimney liner products) easy and economical, says the company. To install, cut to desired length and attach quick-connect ends; no drilling or screwing is required.
Z-Flex, 452 Attwell Drive, Etobicoke, ON, M9W 5C3 Canada; 800-225-0215 (U.S.) or 416-679-0045; 416-679-0051 (fax); sales@z-flex.com; www.z-flex.com
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