NEW YORK - With IAQ a growing concern, Rotobrush is telling contractors that now is the perfect time to establish a duct cleaning business. The company is offering not just an air duct cleaning system but complete support with all the training, marketing tools, and tech support needed to develop a profitable business. The company notes that its patented “brush and vacuum” technology is easy to use and effective. And it’s a one-person operated system, so there’s no need for additional staff.
Thursday, Jan. 24, 2008: Rotobrush Markets Duct Cleaning as a Business Opportunity
NEW YORK - With IAQ a growing concern, Rotobrush is telling contractors that now is the perfect time to establish a duct cleaning business. The company is offering not just an air duct cleaning system but complete support with all the training, marketing tools, and tech support needed to develop a profitable business. The company notes that its patented “brush and vacuum” technology is easy to use and effective. And it’s a one-person operated system, so there’s no need for additional staff.