Scheduled to accommodate teachers from around the state, the day-long interactive workshop was offered at Moore Norman Technology Center, Norman, Okla., and again recently at Tulsa Technology Center, Tulsa.
“The seminar is a response to reports of a growing shortage of skilled service professionals in the areas of engineering, production, distribution, and heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration service,” said David Negrey, Johnson Controls-Unitary Products’ director, technical services, and applications engineer.
“We designed the workshop to equip teachers with the tools they need to excite and engage their students in a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)-based curriculum and to demonstrate the real-world applicability of a STEM curriculum in the HVACR industry.”
Workshop attendees left the session with a teacher manual, three instructional DVDs, and a reproducible student booklet.
“We were thrilled with the turnout for this first workshop,” said Negrey. “Our goal was to strengthen the relationship between the HVACR industry and education. Based on the positive feedback we received, I think we accomplished what we set out to do.”
Publication date:02/18/2008