Course Title:2-Day RSU: Residential Training
Sponsoring Organization:Wrightsoft Corp.
Date:April 29-30, 2008
Location:Columbus, Ohio
Course Description:Course provides an overview on how to use the Right-Suite Universal program for residential applications, from how to do block loads to duct designs. It is part of Wrightsoft Right-University™
Course Title:Level I Thermography Training Course
Sponsoring Organization:Flir Systems Inc.
Date:April 28-May 2
Location:Anchorage, Alaska
Course Description:Course is geared to the new infrared camera user and focuses in its use for a variety of condition monitoring/predictive maintenance applications. Attendees completing all training course requirements and a thermography field assignment will receive a Level I Infrared Thermography
Course Title:Cooling Products 3 – EST10F
Sponsoring Organization:Liebert, Emerson Network Power
Date:April 29-May 1
Location:Columbus, Ohio
Course Description:Course provides Xtreme Density products, including: operations, programming, installation, maintenance, service, and troubleshooting. The company provides 2.4 CEUs for successful completion of the
To find out when and where these courses are offered or to find out about other course offerings, click on “Training Track” in the left column.
Publication date:03/17/2008