ARLINGTON, Va. - The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) has announced the next in its series of “Hot Topics” online forums for the association’s members. On April 25, 2008, ACCA members will be able to participate in a webinar on the association’s “Quality Installation” standard and how to apply it in their company.

Since ACCA’s Quality Installation (QI) standard was finalized in March 2007, the standard has been embraced by a variety of industry stakeholders, notes the association. Utilities are beginning to offer incentive programs that require QI compliance, and consumers are beginning to ask about it.

During the webinar, “The Quality Installation Standard: What You Need to Know Now,” Mark Swepston of Atlas Butler Heating & Cooling will offer an in-depth review of the standard and how to comply, and discuss some of the tools available. He will also discuss the future of ACCA’s Quality Installation Initiative and what it means to contractors today.

Hot Topics webinars are available exclusively for active members of ACCA and there is no cost to participate. The session requires each registrant have access to both a phone line (to call in and listen) and an Internet connection (to log in, watch the presentation, and ask questions).

Though the Hot Topics session is free, registration is required, and must be received by 5 p.m. Eastern time on April 24, 2008. For more information or to register, visit or contact Kelly Ercole at or 703-824-8840.

Publication date:04/07/2008