Title:Wholesale Distribution Manager's Course
Sponsoring Organization:National
Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW)
Date:June 9-13, 2008
Location:Columbus, Ohio
Description:This year’s completely
updated course combines classroom instruction, small group discussions, and
computer labs, all centered on a specially designed wholesale distribution
industry case study. Participants will look at distribution business areas,
including sales management, value-added services, market-focused planning,
financial management and control, human resources management and teamwork, and
supply chain management. Each day experienced instructors lead classroom
discussion. Registrants are assigned to teams, and each evening the teams
gather for brainstorming. The emphasis of the teamwork is on original and
creative idea generation and real-word problem solving as the ultimate goal.
The course concludes with each team presenting its remedies for a troubled
distribution company to participants and the faculty. Attendees will learn
specific ways to improve their company’s profitability and their own personal
To find out when and where these courses are offered or to find out about other course offerings, click on “Training Track” in the left column.
Publication date:05/12/2008