The L Series 100,000-Btuh infrared tube heater provides 50 feet of even heat with end-to-end variance of less than 15 percent. According to the manufacturer, the L Series infrared heater’s principal advantage is the softening of the radiant output over a much longer length of tube than is available from other manufacturers; the bottom clearance was tested to be only 36 inches. The heater has been proven in commercial and agricultural applications, the company says. Three models are available: LA, LX, and LXR. The Model LX offers all of the features of the LA, as well as an ultrarugged enclosed burner design, while Model LXR provides the same features as the Model LX, and in addition, the burner box is sealed for harsh environments and heat-treated aluminized is the standard tube supplied.
Superior Radiant Products Ltd., 23-428 Millen Rd., Stoney Creek, ON L8E 3N9 Canada; 905-664-8274 ext. 28; 905-664-8846; www.superiorradiant.com
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