On Oct. 9-10, in Houston, ACCA will hold the first annual “National HVACR Service Managers Forum,” in cooperation withThe NEWS.
Over the course of the two days, service managers will have the opportunity to hear two keynote presentations, participate in six educational workshops, and learn from each other at peer roundtables covering topics from GPS to performance pay to scheduling.
As a former service manager, Ray Isaac, ACCA 2008-2009 chairman, understands the challenges and opportunities for this position.
“The service manager plays a key role in establishing that professionalism. This new program will help build your service manager’s skills and quality and presents an exciting new service from ACCA in helping our members differentiate themselves in the marketplace.”
Specific sessions include: Structure Your Service Department for Profit!; Take Your Service Agreement Program to the Next Level; The Perfect Service Call; How to Stay Cool When Customers Get Hot; Finances for Service Managers; and Running Your Service Meetings and Training Programs.
At the closing on October 10, communication expert Sarah Michel will present “Can You Hear Me Now? Understanding Yourself and Others.” This program will help service managers communicate better with their employees by learning how to recognize interaction styles, reduce miscommunication within and between departments, use natural talents to get buy-in from employees and supervisors, and use personality differences to build stronger teams and better collaboration.
For more information, visit www.acca.org/servicemanagers.
Publication date:07/14/2008