TORONTO - REGEN Energy announced that, due to high interest from HVAC contractors, property managers, and utilities in the United States and Canada, it has released the EnviroGrid™ Smart Grid Bundle. According to the company, its EnviroGrid intelligent wireless controllers provide a swarm-logic approach to managing electrical loads such as HVAC in facilities, reducing peak electrical demand without affecting occupant comfort. The patent-pending controllers are said to be easy to install and provide savings of 25-30 percent off peak demand charges on electricity bills.

“Market interest for a convenient ‘starter pack’ drove us to create the Smart Grid Bundle,” said Mark Kerbel, CEO. The bundle includes both equipment and services.

EnviroGrid controllers can manage such loads such as air conditioners, compressors, and pumps. A Web-based reporting tool informs the user of all operating activity, and can also send alerts of potential equipment issues before outages occur.

“Our clients are increasingly asking for practical ways to reduce their energy costs,” said Bernie Little, president of Nortown Air, a commercial building engineering and HVAC service firm. “After a simple installation effort, we evaluated EnviroGrid in our own building and now understand the benefits it can derive for our clients.”

Yoram Birenzweig, VP of Pinedale Properties, a large property management firm and Nortown Air client, said, “We’re always looking for straightforward ways to reduce our energy costs, and EnviroGrid is the first product of its kind that we’ve encountered. That’s why we are currently evaluating EnviroGrid for our own fleet of buildings.”

For more information, visit

Publication date:02/16/2009