US Energy Group: Apartment Building Boiler Mgmt. System

The USE Controller™ Energy Management System (EMS) controls and monitors energy and fuel use. In multifamily buildings - condos, co-ops, and rentals - the system adds a number of temperature sensors strategically placed in apartments farthest from the boiler and the last place to get heat. The EMS computer reads the outside temperature together with the indoor temperatures and controls the boiler, with adjustable set points, to operate only as long as it takes to deliver the right amount of heat to keep residents comfortable without wasting fuel. The system also monitors many other boiler functions to provide information that will increase the life of your heating system, detect water leaks, and warn of potentially dangerous or violation-producing problems. According to the manufacturer, it provides savings of 15-40 percent on fuel consumption, while returning investment in less than two years.
US Energy Group, 78-40 164th St., Fresh Meadows, NY 11366; 718-380-1004; 718-380-1432 (fax);;
eProduct 184