The Vari-Green motor is a brushless DC (electronically commutated) high-efficiency motor that runs off a 115-V single-phase input. The motor runs quieter, cooler, and offers higher efficiencies with improved speed control capabilities as compared to standard motors, claims the company. It is capable of operating from 20-100 percent (80 percent turndown) of full speed. The motor is available in 1/4-, 1/2- and 3/4-hp sizes. Three different control options are available: 0-10 vdc input wiring, a motor-mounted dial, or a wall-mounted dial. The Vari-Green motor can be ordered with select direct-drive fan Models G, CUE, CW, and SQ.

Greenheck, P.O. Box 410, Schofield, WI 54476-0410; 715-359-6171; 715-355-2399 (fax);

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