COURSE TITLE:Principles and Maintenance of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
SPONSORING ORGANIZATION:National Technology Transfer Inc.
DATE:July 13-15
LOCATION:Salt Lake City
COURSE DESCRIPTION:Topics include an overview of the theory of refrigeration and the compression refrigeration cycle, refrigerants and refrigerant oils, compressors, evaporators, metering devices, condensers, piping and accessories, tools and test equipment, and heat pump theory and components. The course includes hands-on lab exercises, so the attendees will work on operating systems and learn by doing such activities as measuring superheat and subcooling, recovering refrigerant from a system, evacuating (pulling from a vacuum), and
COURSE TITLE:Boiler Operation and Maintenance Seminar and Basic Electrical and Troubleshooting Seminar
DATE:July 14-15
COURSE DESCRIPTION:Students of the boiler operation and maintenance class learn how to operate the boiler and related accessories safely, reliably, and efficiently; what’s really happening inside the boiler; the boiler’s control scheme and component interaction, etc. Students of the electrical and troubleshooting course learn basic boiler functionality with an electrical emphasis, the flame safeguard burner sequence of operations, the electrical circuitry and its relationship with the burner management control, how to troubleshoot common boiler safety shutdowns, etc. Each of these seminars lasts for one day. Students may choose to attend one or both of the
To find out when and where these courses are offered or to find out about other course offerings, click on “Training Track” in the left column.
Publication date:06/15/2009