COURSE TITLE:E2 Refrigeration and Building Controller Series

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION:Emerson Climate Technologies

DATE:June 16-18

LOCATION:West Chester, Ohio

COURSE DESCRIPTION:This seminar is designed to offer as much hands-on experience as possible and provides an in-depth study of Computer Process Controls refrigeration controller. The course includes a hardware overview, I/O board summary, as well as peripheral mounting and hardware setup instructions. Participants will also learn the proper procedures of power wiring, I/O board installation, Echelon and RS-485 network installation and device

COURSE TITLE:Modulex Certification Class


DATE:June 25-26

LOCATION:Northvale, N.J.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:This course is offered to service companies, contractors, and sales representatives who perform start-up and continuing service on AERCO’s gas-fired equipment. The course will cover the construction, installation, theory of operation, combustion calibration, E8 and BCM control system, and maintenance and troubleshooting of Modulex

To find out when and where these courses are offered or to find out about other course offerings, click on “Training Track” in the left column.

Publication date:05/25/2009