The Air Conditioning Technical Center in Miami has issued a statement saying the economic stimulus package “holds promise” for an improved economy and “hotter prospects than ever before for air conditioning careers” in South Florida.

“The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 included funds for the upgrading of heating and cooling systems in government buildings and schools. In Florida, the Act will create or save 206,000 jobs in the next two years,” according to the statement issued by AC Tech. “This is good news for students across the country - and especially for South Florida students, since air conditioning is used extensively in this perennially hot, humid area.”

“Careers in air conditioning are now a better choice than ever before,” said Art Warren, training director of AC Tech. “As more workers retire and leave the construction industry, more will be needed to replace them - and especially now, to upgrade Florida’s government buildings and schools.”

According to Warren, AC Tech apprentices can earn while they learn. “There is no cost to attend the school,” Warren said, “and they can make money by working for South Florida contractors.”

Warren offered this advice for job seekers looking for the right career education venue. “As you explore your various career options,” he said, “you may decide a trade school is right for you. Such schools are available in many different lines of work - but you should always maintain a high set of standards in selecting one.”

Warren said that potential students should ask questions when considering the merits of any training facility. Such questions include:

• Will you receive hands-on training?

• Are all of their education materials up-to-date?

• Will you be able to visit workplaces in your chosen industry?

• Will you be able to network with potential employers?

• Are you receiving marketable skills in addition to information?

• If you change your mind about attending but have already paid your tuition, will you be able to get a reasonable portion of your money back?

Publication date:05/18/2009