PSG Controls Inc.: Multifamily Housing, Commercial T-stats

The Accustat® Independence is an electronic tamper-proof temperature control thermostat. The thermostat is a nonmercury option for new installation and a direct replacement for the Accustat mercury models. The Independence model has been designed to provide the same level of savings, comfort, and security as the original Accustat, using electronic set points instead of a sealed mercury sensor. It reduces energy costs with precise temperature accuracy. According to the manufacturer, the thermostats are ideal for commercial applications such as warehouses and fast food restaurants or residential applications such as condominiums or other managed properties. Depending on the model, the thermostats are offered in single-stage heat and/or cool; with high-low switch; manual changeover; universal with auto changeover for single-stage, multistage, and heat pump; and temperature set points (preset temperatures).
PSG Controls Inc., 1225 Tunnel Rd., Perkasie, PA 18944; 215-257-3621; 215-257-4288 (fax);
eProduct 181