NEW ORLEANS - The sixth annual ACCA Commercial Contracting Roundtable will be held Oct. 1-2 at the Hilton Riverside in New Orleans. The event is presented by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) andThe NEWS.
The two-day event includes breakout workshops such as: Selling Energy Services in Commercial/Light Commercial Buildings, Promoting Centrifugal Chillers with Commercial/Industrial Service Agreements, What Green Can Mean for Retrofit Sales, and Best Practices for Marketing Your Commercial HVAC Firm in Today’s Economic Climate.
Registration includes: access to the sponsor showcase, four meals, one reception, and ideas on how to enter new markets, get more profits from your operation, improve customer satisfaction, and apply new technologies.
For more information and to register,, or call Vickie Ellis at 703-824-8856.
Publication date:08/24/2009