FRESH MEADOWS, N.Y. - U.S. Energy Group has completed USE-Analysis Case Study #241, which represented an analysis of a 39-building portfolio. During 2006-2007, the buildings used 275.55 gallons of fuel per degree day, averaging 7.06 gallons per degree day for each building. Then, U.S. Energy Group installed a USE Controller™ Energy Management System (EMS) into each building, and the total amount of fuel use was reduced by over 16 percent. In 2008-2009, the buildings used only 231.41 gallons of fuel per degree day, averaging 5.93 gallons per degree day for each building. In total, the buildings saved 201,017.43 gallons of fuel. Figuring an average price of $2 a gallon, the portfolio saved $402,034.86, with payback in less than two years - and the savings continue going forward.

USE-Analysis™ is a large-scale fuel consumption analysis study designed to define the amount of oil, gas, or city-steam that buildings in New York City typically use, and to apply this information to help buildings achieve peak operating efficiency. USE-Analysis started with U.S. Energy’s existing customers and is now open at no cost to all New York City multifamily (rentals, coops, and condos) and commercial buildings. The studies analyze key building indicators along with historical fuel usage to develop two numbers - the amount of fuel the building is currently using by degree day and the amount it would be using if it were operating at peak operating efficiency. In the case of Portfolio-241, most of its buildings have been brought up to peak operating efficiency.

“The case of Portfolio-241 is pretty much what we are seeing across the board,” stated Anthony Jabbour, fuel savings analyst and product manager at U.S. Energy Group. “Typically, the difference between what a portfolio is wasting and its peak efficiency is over 15 percent. It’s amazing how much money buildings can save just by installing and monitoring an EMS. Today’s EMS technology has become essential.”

U.S. Energy Group’s products and services are designed to help building owners conserve energy, save money, and enhance residents’ comfort. For more information, visit

Publication date:03/15/2010