The VPV Converter, part number 236-803, is a dual-purpose signal converter designed for HVAC OEMs. The device can be used to interface different types of HVAC control systems and variable-speed fans which were previously incompatible. Depending on its connections, the VPV converter is capable of converting voltage drive outputs to pulse width modulation- (PWM-) driven fan motors, known as VP mode. It is also capable of converting PWM-drive outputs to voltage-driven fan motors, referred to as PV mode. Analog and digital filters are used by the VPV Converter to reject electrical line and system noise. This allows it to respond only to the actual input signal and ignore electrical transients caused by motor brushes, contactor arcing, and other noise sources commonly found in HVAC systems. The converter is powered by 24 vac. Variable-voltage inputs and outputs range from 0-10 vdc. PWM inputs and outputs are rated for 12 vdc. There is also a “G” output for electronically commutated motors that require this signal. Three LEDs onboard indicate the converter’s status.
Georgia Controls, 3407 Duluth Hwy. 120, Duluth, GA 30096-3341; 770-476-7322; sales@georgiacontrols.com; www.georgiacontrols.com/vpvconverter.htm
eProduct 183