March 31, 2010: Bidding Open for Research Project on Life Cycle Climate Performance for HVACR
ARLINGTON, Va. - The Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Institute (ARTI) is accepting bids for a new research project to establish a standardized methodology to calculate the life cycle climate performance (LCCP) for HVACR.
LCCP is a concept that identifies all the global warming impacts due to the use of a product throughout its lifetime, including both the direct effect of refrigerants and blowing agent emissions from the product and the indirect effect of carbon dioxide emissions related to the energy consumption of the product.
The research is a multi-phased project. The initial phase will focus on developing the methodology and demonstrating LCCP calculations for residential heat pumps. The outcome of this research will be a simulation tool which can perform calculations to compare LCCP for alternative types of equipment and refrigerant choices in various geographical regions.
The results of this effort are expected to give policy makers and HVACR systems manufacturers a standardized method to evaluate environmental impact of HVACR products.
Prospective bidders can download bidding instructions, the statement of work, and other information at
The deadline for submitting proposals is April 26, 2010.
Publication date: 03/29/2010
LCCP is a concept that identifies all the global warming impacts due to the use of a product throughout its lifetime, including both the direct effect of refrigerants and blowing agent emissions from the product and the indirect effect of carbon dioxide emissions related to the energy consumption of the product.
The research is a multi-phased project. The initial phase will focus on developing the methodology and demonstrating LCCP calculations for residential heat pumps. The outcome of this research will be a simulation tool which can perform calculations to compare LCCP for alternative types of equipment and refrigerant choices in various geographical regions.
The results of this effort are expected to give policy makers and HVACR systems manufacturers a standardized method to evaluate environmental impact of HVACR products.
Prospective bidders can download bidding instructions, the statement of work, and other information at
The deadline for submitting proposals is April 26, 2010.
Publication date: 03/29/2010