ARLINGTON, Va. - The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) is accepting applications for the 2010 Safety Masters Club, sponsored by Federated Insurance. The nomination form, which can be downloaded online, is due by June 28. Applications are only accepted once a year.
The Safety Masters Club recognizes ACCA member contractors who have made a significant commitment to their company’s employees and customers by implementing safety programs that produce results. Those contractors with the best safety record and programs in their size category will also be presented with the ACCA Safety Award of Merit.
All entrants for the Award of Merit become members of the Safety Masters Club. Being a member of the club is a way for contractors to demonstrate to their employees, their customers, and their community that they care about a safe working environment.
ACCA members apply based on a category that matches their company size (in man hours). The categories are: 0 to 15,000 hours; 15,001 to 40,000 hours; 40,001 to 100,000 hours; 100,001 to 200,000 hours; and 200,001 + hours.
For more information, visit
Publication date:06/14/2010