An addition to the Spectrum® Construction Software, the Service Request center provides, on a single screen, access to all of the information required to handle a customer’s service request. A customer service representative (CSR) can use the information on the Service Request screen to create a new work order within seconds. When a call comes in, the CSR can view all the critical information to handle the call on one screen: the list of equipment on site, the history of work performed, service contracts in force, the customer’s credit status, and open purchase orders. The CSR can create a new work order with a minimum number of keystrokes, typically within 20 to 45 seconds. All data about the service call is entirely integrated, including purchase orders, inventory, payroll, billing, and new construction. According to the company, there’s no export or import of information between modules in Spectrum. The construction software also integrates with e-mail to speed customer service. The CSR can simply drag a customer’s service request e-mail onto a “hot spot” on the Service Request screen. Spectrum reads the e-mail address (or domain name) and instantly identifies the customer. A new service request can be created in seconds with the customer’s original e-mail included.
Dexter + Chaney, 9700 Lake City Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115-2347; 800-875-1400 or 206-364-1400; 206-367-9613 (fax); info@dexterchaney.com; www.dexterchaney.com
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