Hart & Cooley Inc.: Electronic Air Cleaner

The SMART Air & Energy Solutions™ brand electronic air cleaner (SMART EAC) is MERV 16 equivalent with the ability to generate 24,000 vdc of cleaning power to remove up to 99 percent of respirable particles from a home’s air. The SMART EAC operates at a low static pressure and has high dust-loading potential. This optimizes airflow and can increase blower efficiency. According to the manufacturer, it offers high-efficiency filtration without the traditional tradeoffs, such as arcing, ozone generation, and high maintenance. It is available in a filter grille-mount design with 22 sizes, a furnace-mount design with cabinet for new installations, and with a retrofit track for installations into existing cabinets.
Hart & Cooley Inc., 5030 Corporate Exchange Blvd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512; 616-656-8200; info@hartcool.com; www.hartandcooley.com
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