Designed for use in vacation rental property, the air conditioning control manages the unnecessary use of air conditioning units. The system uses wireless infrared sensors to monitor movement within a property. If no movement is sensed within a preset time period, a signal is transmitted to the main control, which then interrupts the power to the air conditioning. When movement is sensed, the power is reestablished and the air conditioning is turned back on. In addition, the room sensors can have thermostats which are able to be set at a minimum temperature, thus avoiding excessively low temperatures. Attachment of wireless sensors to windows or doors allows the air conditioning to be turned off after the preset timeout period if doors or windows are open. Incorporated into the software is a nighttime override, so that the air conditioning operates at night while the structure is likely to be occupied. All of the parameters for the timeout setting, temperature setting, and nighttime override are adjustable by the property owner within the software of the control., 00(34) 610 882 821 or 00(34) 958 882 840;;