Multistack: Dedicated Heat Recovery Chiller
A dedicated heat recovery chiller (DHRC) can be added to a chilled-water cooling system. According to the manufacturer, taking the heat generated during the cooling phase and recovering it to supplement or replace the gas used to heat the hot water boiler in a building, energy savings can be realized immediately because reclaimed heat is free. It can be used in applications such as hospitals, data centers, and hotels that constantly need cold air for computer rooms, labs, and storage areas while requiring heat for hot water, processing, and sterilization. By incorporating a DHRC in a chiller system, the end user can save money and reduce the carbon footprint significantly, the company says. The units can generate hot water from 110-180°F and have proven to be three times more efficient than a gas boiler, claims the company.
Multistack, 1065 Maple Ave., Sparta, WI 54656; 608-366-2400;
eProduct 182