CARROLLTON, Texas - Daikin AC (Americas) Inc. recently hosted its third-annual distributor sales meeting in San Diego, Calif. In addition to holding a product trade show, workshops, and a general session, the manufacturer recognized its top-performing customers.

Distributors from the United States, Canada, and Bermuda attended the meeting, the theme of which was “Daikin AC, Tomorrow’s New Classic.” It compared the manufacturer’s products to the quality and value of classic cars, movies, and music, explained Christina Trondsen, director of marketing.

The meeting was held at the Hotel del Coronado, built in 1888. A national historic landmark, “The Del” is where Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, and Jack Lemmon filmed the classic comedy “Some Like It Hot” in 1959. Daikin brought a Marilyn Monroe impersonator to the hotel to welcome its customers to the general session.

At workshops, distributors were taught how to effectively merchandise their locations, and how to determine the true cost of owning the new Altherma. They took home information about enhancements to the product line and how to manage supply.


The company recognized top-performing distributors in several categories.

The Market Share Leadership Award (given to the top five distributorships with the highest sales of split systems in 2009): Behler-Young Co., EMCO Corp., FW Webb Co., Idaho Green Supply, and The Star Supply Co.

The Best Sales Increase Award (recognizing the greatest percentage increase in overall sales from 2008 through 2009): Behler-Young Co., The Star Supply Co., Air Care Ltd., Air Care Products Inc., and ACES A/C Supply North.

The DNA Dealer Achievement (given to the top distributors with the most sales from contractors who are enrolled in the Daikin Network Alliance [DNA], contractors meeting training and registration requirements): Behler-Young Co., Coastline Distribution, Mar-Hy Distributors, The Star Supply Co., and The Wallwork Group. The Pinnacle Award (given to the one distributor that performs the best in terms of sales, opportunities, closure rates, project scope and size, and level of investment in Daikin): Behler-Young Co.

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Publication date:11/29/2010