HERON, Mont. - HVACRedu.net has collaborated with Grandy & Associates to kick off the first in a series of new online courses for contracting businesses. Titled “Product and Service Pricing for a Profit,” the course is delivered entirely online to make it more accessible to busy contractors. It includes graphics, charts, and printable worksheets.
According to Grandy & Associates, over 85 percent of industry owners started out as technicians working for someone else. When they start their own businesses, profits are good. Then, as their business grows, so do their expenses. This course is specifically designed to help contractors consider all the costs of running a profitable business and setting their pricing at levels that keep their business growing.
The 15-hour course covers information a contractor needs to calculate a realistic hourly rate for installation and service jobs, budgeting and cash flow, equipment replacement costs, field labor costs, material sales, customer response cards, discussion of flat-rate pricing, overhead, company matching taxes, fixed and variable overhead, net profit, overhead absorption, break-even rate, and markup vs. profit.
This course is specifically designed to help contractors consider all the costs of running a profitable business and setting their pricing at levels that keep their business going and growing. It is available for $297 at www.main.hvacrstore.net.
Publication date:08/23/2010