ARLINGTON, Va. - The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) has announced that the updated ANSI/ACCA 5 QI – 2010 Standard (HVAC Quality Installation Specification) is now available in print form at ACCA’s online bookstore and as a free, downloadable PDF at

The QI Standard was updated in 2010 in response to stakeholder-requested changes. New sections on ventilation and hydronics were added, extensive edits and clarifications were incorporated, geothermal systems were specifically mentioned, additions were made to the definitions, and updates were made to the bibliography. Newly revised to support the 2010 QI Standard are the Technician’s Guide for QI and the homeowner and building owner Checklists.

To assist those doing field verifications on equipment installed to the ACCA 5 QI – 2010 Standard, the ANSI/ACCA 9 QIvp Standard (HVAC QI Verification Protocols) has been updated and will be released this month for an ANSI public review period; the QIvp Standard is expected be available later in 2011.

Publication date:02/07/2011